297+ Best Roposo Status You Can Copy and Paste To Make videos viral – 2022

Hello friends, today I will tell you about some Roposo Status that you will be very happy after reading, In this post, I will tell you about Roposo Status with different categories so if you also want to know about Roposo Status then this post is for you and you can read this post completely.

Top Roposo status

  • Losers focus on winners, Winners focus on winning.”
  • “Be very careful of people whose words don’t match their actions.”
  • “If you can’t be better than your competition – just dress better.”
  • “Find a place in life that suits you – and own it. Well.”
  • “Swag is not something you wear, it is something you are born with.”
  • “Being happy never goes out of style.”
  • “Treat me like a joke and I’ll leave you like it’s funny.”
  • “Life is a party – dress like it.”
  • “A comfort zone is a beautiful place – but nothing ever grows there.”
  • “I’m just a simple guy swimming in a sea of sharks”
  • It is always summer somewhere.
  • No more winters. Summers for president!
  • Deep summer is when laziness finds respectability.
  • The summer night is like a perfection of thought.
  • I’d rather make mistakes than fake perfection
  • I don’t wipe tears, I wipe the people who created them
  • I’m like coffee: dark, bitter and too hot for you
  • In a world of average, I’m savage
  • It’s hard to find someone who’s smart, funny, adorable and a total badass.
  • My only advice for you is, don’t forget to follow me
  • Too glam to give a damn
  • My Instagram is proof that I’m always creating a better version of myself.
  • My love for you keeps increasing every second.
  • I fell in love with you because you loved me when I couldn’t love myself.
  • I’m no photographer but I can picture us together.
  • We fall in love by chance, we stay in love by choice.
  • I’ve fallen in love many times but always with you.
  • Whenever I enter a room full of people, I always look for you first.
  • If I could have anyone in the world, it would still be you.
  • You’re a victim of your own mind.
  • I haven’t felt right for a really long time.
  • Sometimes all you can do is smile. Move on with your day, hold back the tears and pretend you’re okay.
  • I felt so special until I saw you talk to everyone like that.
  • Not a night goes by and you’re not in my dreams.
  • My heart is perfect because you are inside.
  • Every moment I spent with you, is like a beautiful dream come true.
  • You have to be ODD to be number ONE.
  • Be brave. Take risks. Nothing can substitute experience.
  • I am who I am. Your approval is not needed.
  • People don’t notice whether it’s winter or summer when they’re happy.
  • No winter lasts forever; no spring skips its turn.
  • Laughter is the sun that drives winter from the human face.

Popular Roposo status

  • Boys will be boys.
  • Life is to short to waste it.
  • Be a warrior in a room of worriers.
  • Release the beast within.
  • Mentally on the beach.
  • If you are hurt by words, it means other people can control you simple by saying stuff to your face.
  • My room is like the Bermuda triangle, stuff goes in and is never seen again.
  • Your hair is 90% of your selfie.
  • No guts, no glory.
  • Escape the ordinary.
  • Work hard until you grab it.
  • If you’re about to post song lyrics on social media, ask yourself is it worth it? Let me work it. I put my thing down flip it ‘n reverse it.
  • Sorry, I’ve got my Netflix pants on so I’m in for the night.
  • I want you to know that someone out there cares. Not me, but someone.
  • Dear Lord, please grant me the ability to punch people over the internet.
  • Did you just fall? No, I was checking if gravity still works.
  • There are two sides to the story and then there are the screenshots.
  • When you can’t change the direction of the wind, adjust your sails.
  • Those people who talk behind my back are behind me for a reason.
  • Don’t show me your attitude. My blocklist is bigger than your friend list.
  • Success is the by-product of your attitude.
  • The sun doesn’t always shine. So it’s okay to fall apart sometimes.
  • Tears are words the heart can’t express.
  • Sometimes I just want to get away from it all.
  • Excuse makes no sense.
  • Be strong to be hard.
  • Push yourself to do more.
  • Always be real to get real.
  • Success only goes for those who are worth it.
  • Money has no value if you have so many.
  • There are two people in the world. one is real and one is fake, it’s your choice with whom you wanna go with.
  • I just want you in my life.
  • Let’s have some fun.
  • I will never let you go if you go then I have no reason to stay in this world.
  • You can’t force anyone to stay.
  • This is my passion and I will do it.
  • There is nothing cheap in this world you just have to know it’s value.
  • Never quit in front of anyone.
  • Raise your voice to the world it will know your value.

Roposo status in Hindi

  • सच चाहता है उसे हर कोई पहचाने और झूठ हमेशा डरता है कोई उसे पहचान ना ले !
  • प्रेम से रहो दोस्तों जरा सी बात पे रूठा नहीं करते…पत्ते वहीं सुन्दर दिखते हैं जो शाख से टूटा नही करते…!!
  • दोस्त को दौलत की निगाह से मत देखो , वफा करने वाले दोस्त अक्सर गरीब हुआ करते हैं
  • कौन होता है दोस्त? दोस्त वो जो बिन बुलाये आये, बेवजह सर खाए, जेब खाली करवाए, कभी सताए, कभी रुलाये, मगर हमेशा साथ निभाए.
  • हम मोहब्बत भी करते हैं तो नवाबों की तरह
  • दोस्त बेशक एक हो लेकिन ऐसा हो, जो अलफाज से ज्यादा खामोशी को समझें
  • गिडगिडाते नहीं के हमसे प्यार कर लो
  • जरूरी नही की रिलेशनशिप ही हो कुछ लोगो की दोस्ती भी प्यार से बढ़कर होती है
  • जरा मुस्कुरा के देखो, दुनिया हँसती नजर आएगी
  • हम वक्त और हालात के साथ ‘शौक’ बदलते हैं, दोस्त नही … !!
  • कोई बात तो है मुझ में … यूँही नहीं हैं जलते लोग
  • मत भागो किसी के पीछे जो जाता है उसे जाने दो आएगा वही वापस लौट कर खुद को जऱा कामयाब तो होने दो
  • कोरोना के डर से इतनी भी दूरी न बनाये, की आपका बाबू किसी और के काबू में आजाये
  • दुनिया की हर चीज ठोकर लगने से टूट जाती है,एक कामयाबी ही है जो ठोकर लगने से मिलती है
  • जितना बदल सकते थे बदल लिया खुद को , अब जिसको तकलीफ है वो अपना रास्ता बदले !
  • मुस्कुराने की आदत डालो क्यों की रुलाने वालो की कमी नहीं हैं..
  • लोग केहते है की मेरे दोस्त कम है लेकीन, वोह नही जानते की मेरे दोस्तो मे कीतना “दम” हैं
  • इज़्ज़त, मोहब्बत, तारीफ़ और दुआ…माँगी नहीं जाती, कमाई जाती है…।।
  • जिसको सुनना है वो सुनता नहीं , दुनिया खामखां कान लगाए बैठी है
  • ज़िन्दगी से यही सीखा है मेहनत करो रुकना नहीं हालत कैसे भी हो किसी के सामने झुकना नहीं
  • तू इतना भी बेहतरीन नही , जिस के लिऐ मै खुद को गिरा दूं !
  • मै रात भर जन्‍नत की सैर करता रहा यारों , आंख खुली तोह देखा सर माँ के कदमो मे था.
  • लड़की की Hansi और कुत्ते की Khamosi पर कभी भरोसा नहीं करना चाहिए..!!
  • जब भी जिंदगी रुलाये समझना गुनाह माफ़ हो गये…जब भी जिंदगी हँसाये समझना दुआ कुबूल हो गई…

Sad Roposo status

  • “Li㉿e” i$ li㉿e a daily d⟲$e Բ⟲r Roposo creat⟲r$.
  • Not Tiktok Only Roposo.
  • A m⟲n㉿ey i$ n⟲t c⟲pying me when I $h⟲w him a li⟲n.
  • Actually I eat my Բ⟲⟲d quic㉿ly becau$e I ㉿n⟲w my brea㉿Բa$t i$ be$t than ⟲ther$.
  • I alway$ wear blac㉿ gla$$e$ t⟲ $h⟲w pe⟲ple that I am blind becau$e ⟲Բ it I g⟲t huge appreciati⟲n$.
  • I am c⟲⟲l, dre$$ing li㉿e Pr⟲, $mart, intelligent, hand$⟲me but $⟲me Բunny.
  • I am here t⟲ av⟲id my Բriend$ ⟲n Բaceb⟲⟲㉿ and In$tagram.
  • I am really very $mart $⟲ y⟲u can li㉿e me…
  • I am t⟲⟲ p⟲⟲r that I can n⟲t give attenti⟲n in cla$$.
  • I th⟲ught my liԲe wa$ air-Բree, until I b⟲ught a bag ⟲Բ chip$.
  • Only if I could get a mask to hide the pallor of the pain you gifted.
  • Drowned in darkness, confined in pain.
  • Oh how beautifully your eyes speak those lies!
  • Scared to fall in love.
  • Different faces, different experiences, inculcate different monsters in you.
  • His heart became too fragile and deprived of happiness. I think that heart was thirsty and the thirst was of love
  • I wish FOREVER meant same to you that it means to me.
  • I don’t want anything but your trust.
  • You simply broke my trust in true love.
  • I wish one could understand that not everything we say is a lie.
  • In the darkest nights, even I’m scared of my demons.
  • Can an apology reciprocate the pain that deprived a soul of happiness?
  • Nowadays, forever is a short span of time, which ends when they find someone better.
  • Does the entire spark that had been driving us crazy faded away?
  • I wish only if we could last a little longer.
  • I act like I don’t care, but deep inside, it hurts…
  • With my hearts having slivers all around, they might hurt if you’d come closer.
  • Out of emotions, filled with emptiness.
  • A sad soul can kill quicker than a poison.
  • I can unfriend you, unfollow you, but how can I Unlove you?
  • A relationship is only made for two. But some forget how to count.
  • You Hurt Me But I Still Love You.
  • You Killed What Was Left Of The Good In Me.

Romantic Roposo status

  • IԲ I wa$ a writer I’d have a better capti⟲n.
  • I’m actually n⟲t Բunny. I’m ju$t really mean and pe⟲ple thin㉿ I’m j⟲㉿ing.
  • B⟲rn t⟲ expre$$, n⟲t impre$$.
  • I can’t remember wh⟲ I $t⟲le my bi⟲ Բr⟲m ⟲r why.
  • We are all part ⟲Բ the ultimate $tati$tic – ten ⟲ut ⟲Բ ten die.
  • I’m c⟲⟲l, but gl⟲bal warming made me H⟲T
  • Ma㉿ing PJ$ l⟲⟲㉿ h⟲t $ince (year ⟲Բ birth).
  • A very caԲԲeine-dependent liԲe Բ⟲rm.
  • Rec⟲vering d⟲nut addict.
  • Rec⟲vering ice cream addict.
  • When you are in love, you are also searching for the missing puzzle pieces in your life.
  • Thinking about your special someone could make you sad because you are stepping back into a place of memories.
  • Love is not always seen just like the wind; you can only feel it.
  • Perfecting the love we can give is far more productive than trying to find the perfect person to love.
  • It’s hard to find the words to express how I feel about you. I have tried and always come back to just one word: love.
  • If I know what love is, it is because of you. Please be with me and love me always.
  • Love is real, real is love.
  • There is no 2-second rule when it comes to love. You can’t put it down and pick it up later without fear of someone being hurt in the process.
  • I fell in love because of your smile, but I stayed in love because of your heart.
  • Loving could make you vulnerable, so you have to lock it up where it cannot be broken, only become unbreakable.
  • I could create a garden if every thought of you becomes a flower.
  • An incomplete heart sings an incomplete song that reaches completion when another heart whispers the song back.
  • I fell in love with u, I don’t know why or how. I just did.
  • I believe that dreams can come true because mine did when I met you, my love. I will always love you. I swear.
  • Did YOU know I really love the 2nd word of this question?
  • Love is not about how much u say “I love you” but how much u can prove that it’s true.
  • I live for you. I breathe for you. And, I love you.
  • Thank you for coming into my life and making me so happy. I love you with all my heart and soul and miss you by every heartbeat.
  • You are my life and the only thing that would hurt to lose. I love you more than anything else.
  • I can make one promise to you: I will always love you more than any other person who enters your life.
  • Thank God for merging our two souls together! I will love you till the end of the time baby.
  • If a kiss could tell you how much I love you, I am sure we would be kissing forever.
  • You bring out the best in me. No other boyfriend would bring out my colors as well as you do.
  • You’re the only man I dream about at night, and the only man I want to wake up next to in the morning.
  • My favorite place in the world is lying in your arms, gazing into your beautiful eyes.
  • You are the prince I’ve dreamt of finding ever since I was a little girl.

Funny Roposo status

  • I’m n⟲t $mart; I ju$t wear gla$$e$.
  • in$ert pretenti⟲u$ $tuԲԲ ab⟲ut my$elԲ here*
  • I’m real and I h⟲pe $⟲me ⟲Բ my Բ⟲ll⟲wer$ are t⟲⟲.
  • Catch Բlight$ n⟲t Բeeling$.
  • Will g⟲ int⟲ $urvival m⟲de iԲ tic㉿led.
  • Pr⟲bably the be$t meat eater in the w⟲rld.
  • I’d rather $teal y⟲ur de$$ert than y⟲ur b⟲yԲriend.
  • $weet a$ $ugar, t⟲ugh a$ nail$.
  • GiԲted napper, tal㉿er, and ice cream eater.
  • Me$$y bun and having Բun.
  • Enjoy at least one sunset per day! – Modern Family
  • They say don’t try this at home… so I went to my friend’s home!
  • My bed is a magical place I suddenly remember everything I had to do.
  • Friday, my second favorite F word.
  • Wine + dinner = winner
  • I don’t care what people think of me. Mosquitos find me attractive!
  • Stomach: I will now demonstrate a blue whale’s mating call.
  • You marry so that you can know each other and the process lasts for infinity.
  • With great girlfriend comes great expenses.
  • Before spending time trying to find someone, you must first find yourself.
  • Make sure to savor all your special moments, step outside of yourself, and bask in your own presence, while it’s still present.
  • You and I are cupcakes of an everlasting honeymoon party.
  • Dear MATH, stop asking to find your X, she’s not coming back.
  • Make love, not war. Hell, do both. Get married..
  • My wife dresses to kill. She cooks the same way.
  • Newton’s law of love: Love can neither be created nor be destroyed. Only it can transfer from one girlfriend to another with some loss of money.
  • I don’t want to be in a relationship, I would rather be in a Range Rover.
  • One should always be in love. That is the reason one should never marry.
  • Honesty is the key to a relationship. If you can fake that, you’re in.
  • I know that somewhere in the Universe exists my perfect soulmate … but looking for her is much more difficult than just staying at home and ordering another pizza.
  • I m a math teacher. One plus two equals me and you
  • Behind every successful man is his woman. Behind the fall of a successful man is usually another woman.
  • Let’s just stay friends=never talk again.
  • I know you are a sensitive person but no worry I am Sensodyne to your sensitivity.
  • People are people but my fellows are really fellows.
  • “I miss you like an idiot misses the point.”
  • If you can’t remember my name, just say ‘chocolate’ … I’ll turn around.
  • Why fall in love when you can fall asleep?
  • A friend in need a friend to be avoided.
  • Brains are an awesome tool. I wish everybody had one.
  • Got a new phone today, my old phone failed the swimming test.

Roposo status Quotes

  • IԲ y⟲u Բeel that it i$ Բunny then plea$e li㉿e…
  • It i$ n⟲t Բunny capti⟲n, ⟲h $⟲rry! it i$ their child $⟲ y⟲u can u$e it.
  • LiԲe i$ a $wimming p⟲⟲l and I want t⟲ $wim in it.
  • My liԲe i$ li㉿e that $weet that change$ the ta$te Բr⟲m time t⟲ time.
  • N⟲w Ti㉿ T⟲㉿ i$ really waterpr⟲⟲Բ platԲ⟲rm Բ⟲r audience… $earch l⟲gic behind it?
  • Pe⟲ple called me that I am Բunny but I Բeel that I am bu$y.
  • $preading $mile$ li㉿e their herpe$.
  • There i$ n⟲ d⟲ubt in my Ti㉿ T⟲㉿ vide⟲.
  • When I get le$$ li㉿e$ ⟲n my vide⟲ then my Բriend that day i$ really harmԲul Բ⟲r me.
  • W⟲rd$ cann⟲t expre$$ my l⟲ve & pa$$i⟲n Բ⟲r Բriday$!
  • If you love a friend, let them go. If they come back with coffee, it was meant to be.
  • I like to hang out with people who make me forget to look at my phone.
  • Friendship is like peeing on yourself: everyone can see it, but only you get a warm feeling that it brings.
  • I cannot see heaven being much better than this.
  • Opportunities don’t happen. You create them.
  • Don’t be afraid to give up the good to go for the great.
  • I find that the harder I work, the more luck I seem to have.
  • Try not to become a man of success. Rather become a man of value.
  • What made you fall for him? He never asked me to justify my past.
  • I want a relationship like “Tom & Jerry” to fight daily, still can’t live without each other.
  • You can’t rush something you want to last forever.
  • Sometimes I can’t see myself when I’m with you. I can only just see you.
  • You wanna know who I’m in love with? Read the first word again.
  • Never give in except to convictions of honor and good sense.
  • What you wear is how you present yourself to the world.
  • You can see and feel everything in clothes.
  • One is never over-dressed or under-dressed with a Little Black Dress.
  • All progress takes place outside the comfort zone
  • One cannot think well, love well, sleep well, if one has not dined well.
  • Ask not what you can do for your country. Ask what’s for lunch.
  • Do more things that make you forget to check your phone.
  • You are what you do, not what you say you’ll do.
  • Your crowd should be clapping loudest when you win. If they don’t, look for a new crowd.
  • Pay close attention to people who don’t clap when you win.
  • A real friend is one who walks in when the rest of the world walks out.
  • Friends are chocolate chips in the cookie of life!
  • Good friends show their love in times of trouble, not just in times of happiness.

Cute Roposo status

  • D⟲ y⟲u believe in l⟲ve at Բir$t $ight, ⟲r $h⟲uld I wal㉿ by again?
  • I’m n⟲t $ure h⟲w many pr⟲blem$ I have becau$e math i$ ⟲ne ⟲Բ them.
  • I’m here t⟲ av⟲id Բriend$ ⟲n Բaceb⟲⟲㉿.
  • Why l⟲⟲㉿ up at the $tar$ when the bigge$t $tar i$ me
  • Can’t remember wh⟲ I $t⟲le my bi⟲ Բr⟲m ⟲r why
  • LiԲe i$ dumb and I want t⟲ $leep
  • Are y⟲u a ban㉿er becau$e I’d li㉿e y⟲u t⟲ leave me a l⟲an
  • $preading $mile$ li㉿e they’re herpe$
  • W⟲rd$ cann⟲t expre$$ my l⟲ve & pa$$i⟲n Բ⟲r Բriday$!
  • Բabul⟲u$ end$ in “u$” c⟲incidence? I thin㉿ n⟲t
  • Just saw the most smartest person when I was in front of the mirror.
  • God is really creative, I mean.. Just look at me.
  • If stress burned calories, I’d be a supermodel
  • I would lose weight, but I hate losing.
  • Never laugh at your wife’s choices… you are one of them.
  • Be strong I whispered to my wifi signal.
  • Take my advice, I don’t use it anyway.
  • Lonely is not being alone. It’s the feeling that no one cares.
  • Standing alone is better than standing with people who don’t value you.
  • Weakness of attitude becomes weakness of character.
  • If you don’t treat yourself with respect, other people will follow your example.
  • Know your worth. Don’t settle for anything less.
  • Self-confidence is the best outfit. Rock it and own it.
  • If you don’t sacrifice for what you want, what you want becomes the sacrifice.
  • Everyone wants to be happy. No one wants to be sad and get pain. But you can’t make a rainbow without a little rain.
  • I am only good at hiding my feelings.
  • Sometimes it takes losing something to realize what you’ve had.
  • It hurts and you don’t know it. Life is often cruel.
  • And I can’t help but stare, ’cause I see truth somewhere in your eyes.
  • It was always you.
  • I’m wearing the smile you gave me.
  • Weak people revenge. Strong people forgive. Intelligent people ignore.
  • I have found that if you love life, life will love you back.
  • If someone is stupid to walk out of your life. Be smart enough to let them go.
  • I always learn from mistake of others who take my advice.
  • Born to express not to impress.
  • When I miss you it seems every song I listen to is about you.
  • If nobody hates you, you are doing something boring.
  • Sometimes I’m not angry, I’m hurt and there’s a big difference.
  • I forgive but I never forget.


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